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This guy cut off his nose so he could look like a comic book villain

WARNING: Not safe for LIFE. Or for anyone who has recently eaten breakfast.

WARNING: Some readers may find the pictures in this article disturbing.

A COMIC BOOK fan has cut off part of his nose so he could look more like a Marvel villain.

Venezualan Henry Damon (37) surgically removed part of his shnozz and has had implants inserted in his forehead and eyebrows so he could look more like Red Skull, a Nazi agent and enemy of Captain America.

6936845291_66579ed29d_b Source: Flickr

Just the kind of person you’d really want to look like, right?

Here’s Damon posing for a photo at the Venezuela Tattoo International Expo in Caracas last month.

Venezuela Expo Tattoo Source: AP/Press Association Images

Whoop, there it is.

According to the Mirror, Damon is happily married and has dreamed of looking like Red Skull all his life. His tattooist/body modification expert, Emilio Gonzalez, described the run-up to the nose removal:

First I have to ensure that a person is 100% healthy, with no respiratory disease. I asked for a tomography of the nose and sinuses to ensure me that it was OK for surgery. In addition, a mucus sample was taken to make sure that it had no infection.

“Henry AKA Red Skull is a physically and intellectually healthy person,” Gonzalez continued. “He’s an excellent son, husband and father, who has an extreme taste for body modification.”

In the future, Damon plans even more modifications – like tattooing his entire face red, and getting silicone implants in his cheeks and chin.

You wouldn’t like to run into him down a dark alley, all the same.

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